For now, aimless, clueless, without any kind of cohesion...
Published on November 5, 2008 By Razgondk In WOM Ideas

Many strategy games suffer from the overcomplex mind boggling endgame syndrome, where, even if yo uare sure you will win, you have to play 3-4 hours, just to be sure to snuff out every single enemey left somewhere on the map.

Master of Orion dealt with this in a very elegant fashion, allowing players to be "voted" winners, when you had a certain amount of power. I'd REALLY Like this kind of option built into this game, so that, in large maps for instance, you wouldnt have to track down that one last elusive hidden unit that is nearly invisible somewhere on the map.

There could be multiple ways to win - owning 4/5's of the map, ensureing alliances from all the other players, economic victory, the Master spell, and so on...

on Nov 05, 2008

I agree we have to find a way to end the game when we are sure we are going to win.


In galciv you are going for military vicotry, and the eneemy no longer as a navy. At that point it,s pretty much a given. I would also like a way for the game to know that it's time to surrender.

on Nov 05, 2008

In civ 4 I like the fact that we can win without too many fights with the culture win.

And why not a sacred alliance win? The beast should be really tough and harassing players since the beginning. If the beasts becomes too strong (like the own 50% of the land mass) the players are obliged to ally and they need to cooperate to win.

on Nov 05, 2008

I'll be a little surprised if there are *not* multiple win types.

If there are, I really, really hope that any scoring system will not echo GC2's deep bias twoards total conquest. I know war is right in the subtitle of the game, but it's the subtitle, and for many fantasy fans, one of the first associations the word elemental brings is "balance."