For now, aimless, clueless, without any kind of cohesion...
Published on November 5, 2008 By Razgondk In WOM Ideas

As "real" battles are often decided through tactics, I thought flanking would be ideal to put into the game. A bonus for attacking from the side and/or rear would add tremendously to the tactical part of the game.

Maybe even add units with an ability to "sneak" and giving them bonusses to flanking.

Criticals would work here as well, actually - higher chance for a critical to occur, when attacking from behind and/or sneaking

on Nov 05, 2008

That is a good idea, and i say that as a WHFB freak. Infact if you could turn the game into like a turn based Total War game with magic and strange creatures that would be awesome. Perhaps with some special pasychology rules for magic monsters.


Edit: err.... wait... i just sort of described WHFB there.....

on Nov 05, 2008

It would be even better with all the good things from wargames or "combat mission" : morale, fatigue, accuracy, weather, terrain, flanking, rout system, forced march, different kind of armor (heavy armor would lessen speed), frenzy, weapns with area of effect etc...



edit : and reactive fire, zone of control, wounds like in dominions 3 ...